Whole30 – Day 24-30


Apologize for being M.I.A this last week…it was a crazy one! Planned my best friends engagement party for this past Saturday and had a little fun with decorations, food, and favors 🙂 ! We had such a great time and seeing her face when she walked into the party just made my heart so happy as I had kept it all a surprise!!! I stayed the course even through a stressful week and being surrounded by delicious wine and treats this weekend!

But aren’t these cookies cute?!?


I made them for the party as favors. Didn’t have one taste…scouts honor! I honestly wasn’t even tempted to…which is pretty awesome for me since I used to have an AWFUL sweet-tooth!

TODAY is day 30 of the Whole30! I cannot believe how fast time has flown. I am nervous. Not ready for it all to be over. The timeline totally hits the nail on the head with how I have been feeling the last couple of days…

Days 29-30: HolyOprahIt’sAlmostOverWhatAmIGoingToEatNow?!?!?!

It’s day 29, and you’re still rocking. The thoughts you had yesterday of throwing in the towel are gone. You cruise through the day and as you crawl into bed you have a small thought that then grows into full-blown cold-sweat panic. Holy crap. Tomorrow is day 30. The last day. What the hell are you going to do after that?! You worked so hard, fought through all the anger, the naps, the cravings to get to the awesome you’re feeling now. The rules have been your backbone, your lifeline, your excuse for being “that person” in social situations. Are you just going to give them up on day 31? No. You firmly resolve that there will be no deviation on day 31. If it ain’t broke…

It’s totally normal to feel a twinge of panic as your Whole30 comes to a close. For the past month, you’ve lived, breathed, and literally eaten the rules. You feel incredible in your new high-octane body. It’s natural to hesitate at the thought of making any changes – even if the change is a return to what was “normal” for you before. And, the truth is, you don’t have to go back to the way you used to eat. But keep in mind that the Whole30 was intended to be a reset, an introduction into the world of Good Food. I know it’s scary, but keep an open mind, okay?

I had a long conversation with my mom the other day about how I feel that with the way I have been living my life the past 30 days is how I want live out the rest of my life as well as my families (currently just my husband but someday our kids) lives, too. The way I am feeling; mind, body, and soul; the way my clothes are fitting, my energy levels, my overall attitude…how could I ever want to go back to feeling any less great than I do now? Well, I don’t.

I have continued my research and bought a couple more books to read about living a Paleo lifestyle and I am an absolute believer in it all. I always used to wonder why I was tired all the time after getting a full nights rest, or why my stomach would just feel yucky after eating grains, diary, or beans, or why with eating 5-small meals a day and working out, I still didn’t feel my best. After eliminating all of these things from my diet for a month (including added sugar), sticking to a three-meal a day plan (with good, healthy fats/carbs, proteins, veggies, and occasional fruits), really feeling, noticing, and seeing a tremendous difference in my body; a lightbulb went off…our bodies really cannot digest this stuff (grains, dairy, legumes, etc.). So with feeling this amazing, why would I want to put any of it back in? Again, I don’t.

I plan to live a Paleo lifestyle. My husband is completely on board and wants to do a Whole30 in the coming weeks. I plan to do it again with him for support (and I loved it so why not do it again 😉 )! He was super skeptical at first but after seeing and hearing my results, he is totally ready to change his life, too. And he is excited for all the yummy meals! (He has been pretty jealous of all the things I have been making for us (my mom, best friend, and I)…hehe…sorry babe!)

I have been waking up feeling strong, powerful, alive, and capable! I sincerely hope you all have been, too. And if not, try to find the reasons why; are you not getting enough sleep? Are you stressed? Not eating enough nutritious foods? I encourage you to take some time for you to help yourself feel better, stronger, and more powerful. If you find yourself getting stressed or upset about something, take a walk, grab your iPod or plug-in your favorite CD and dance it out, or call a friend. It is good to find positive ways to deal with stress to help us be the best we can be for ourselves and all who are around us. Through perseverance, we can do anything we set our minds and our hearts to!



Compliment of the day: I am proud of myself that even through a super stressful week and being at a party with old trigger foods for me, that I did not cave and stayed the course.

P/S I am excited to share more about my new lifestyle! I promise to be better about my updates! I had forgotten how much better I feel after writing a blog! More soon! 😀

Whole30 – Day 19-23


I am feeling good, no great, NO FANTASTIC! 😀 Today just feels especially grand. Feeling on Cloud 9 and just so excited for what each new day is going to bring from here on out. It almost feels like a new book has been started for me. A fresh page, a new start, a better me…and I am so excited to see what the new pages will be filled with and where it all takes me.

A few bits of exciting news…

1. Put on a pair of jeans this weekend that were fitting a bit snug a few weeks ago and they are too big! Always such an awesome feeling when you not only feel results but can start seeing them, too! Definitely feeling the Tiger’s Blood that they talk about on the Whole30 timeline.

2. My mom has NO headache! Started crying when she told me Friday as I had been so worried about her sweet little head and going 19 days with a migraine! She completely powered through that with no complaints! AND she won teacher of the month from Channel 4 News! This is her second award this year for being an outstanding teacher! Way to go, mom! I am sooooooooooooo unbelievably proud of you!!! 🙂

3. My physical therapist told me on Friday that he definitely thinks he is going to be able to help repair my knee WITHOUT surgery!!! Ah…music to my ears! 😀 Lifted my spirits and restored my faith in the system. Nice to have a medical professional who actually cares and wants to help me rather than just push me off to the side.

4. Also, my PT approved swimming as a form of cardio for me (as he saw my face when he told me no more tabata, running, etc). I went for the first time this morning and fell in LOVE with it!!! I used to swim all the time when I was younger; my mom always called me a fish and my hair was green all summer long. Forgotten how much I enjoyed being in the water! Most definitely will continue swimming even when I am approved to put impact back on my knee.

imagesI am a true believer that if you put your mind (and your heart) to something, you can absolutely do whatever it is you want to do. Sometimes trying something new is scary, especially when you are used to a routine, but I encourage you to try something new for yourself. For me, swimming was a huge leap. I have gotten so used to doing a certain kind of cardio that when it was taken away, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I thought (for maybe a second 😉 ) about just sitting back and maybe walking here and there but for me, that is not enough. Feeling a bit unsure about trying something different, I thought, why not? You could fall in love with it and I have! When I got in the pool this morning, I was thinking I would just do a half an hour and before I knew it, an hour had already gone by! Try something new today, anything, and share with me what you did! As I always say, through perseverance, we can do anything we set out to do!



Day 19

Compliment for the day: Even though you look a little wacky when you wake up, you are still beautiful!

PreWorkout Snack: Coffee with 1 tsp of coconut milk

Workout (at The Lean Lemon):  1 hour Cardio/Sculpt & 1.5 hours of PT

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey with butternut squash

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Sausage patty with hard-boiled egg and tomato with some blueberries

Lunch: Cauliflower clam chowder with bacon

Dinner: Spaghetti squash with meatballs & brown mushroom gravy

Day 20

Compliment for the day: High-five to you for your jeans fitting lose! 🙂

Workout: PT @home

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Breakfast Skillet (elk steak with sweet potatoes & peppers) with an egg

Lunch: Spaghetti squash with meatballs & brown mushroom gravy with some blueberries

Dinner: Chicken curry with cauliflower rice

Snack: Handful of coconut flakes, half of an apple, and some tahini

Day 21

Compliment for the day: Glad you took the time and slept in today with your hubby!

Workout:  PT @home

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Breakfast Skillet (elk steak with sweet potatoes & peppers) with an egg

Lunch: Chicken curry with cauliflower rice

Dinner: Egg pizza’s with artichoke and homemade mayo

Day 22

Compliment for the day: If feels good to be alive, healthy, and well! SMILE!

PreWorkout Snack: Coffee with 1 tsp of coconut milk

Workout (at The Lean Lemon): 1 hour Sculpt & 1 hour of laps in the pool

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey with butternut squash

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Fiesta Bowl with avo dressing, tomato, and olives with a few strawberries

Lunch: Egg pizza’s with artichoke and homemade mayo

Dinner: Salmon w/avo broccoli & beets

Day 23

PreWorkout Snack: Coffee with 1 tsp of coconut milk

Compliment for the day: Will update…

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey with butternut squash

Workout (at The Lean Lemon): 1 hour Sculpt + 1.5 PT

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Sweet potato hash with an egg and slice of homemade bacon

Lunch: Salmon w/avo broccoli & beets

Dinner: Egg pizza’s with artichoke and homemade mayo



Whole30 – Day 16, 17, & 18 + A little disappointment


Feeling a bit down after getting the results back about my knee the other day. Luckily, there is no structural damage but I was basically told I would have to live with the pain and the swelling. At 25, I have to just learn to live with knee pain for the rest of my life? I don’t think so. After the doctor gave me the news, I started asking questions to find out ways I could help my knee. Finally got a few things out of him… (I wasn’t going to let him get away with just telling me to live with it after spending all the time and money to get into see him)… he gave me a steroid injection in my knee, as well as a patella stabilizer brace (nicknamed BB – blue behemoth or big blue – pic below), and recommended a return to sports program at their physical therapists office. Before ending the appointment, he explained that none of these things may work and he may have to go in surgically anyways, but, I plan to avoid that at all costs.

Meet BB…


She’s a beaut…eh?

I had my assessment at physical therapy yesterday morning and was told my knee is in bad shape and that I am no longer allowed to workout the lower half of my body. No impact, running, TRX, jumping, HIIT, tabata…nothing…for about 1.5-2 months. 😦 Stab to the heart…I do NOT do well when I am told I can’t do something, especially when it comes to fitness and exercise. I mean, don’t they know I just finally got back up to feeling fantastic and working out everyday?!? How can I go from being able to give it my all (with a limp…oops) to now being restricted? I know…I know…I have to listen, not be stubborn, and do what I need to do to get my knee better as I do NOT want to live with this pain the rest of my life.

My mantra through this….


I know I CAN and I WILL persevere through this! I will NOT let my knee hold me back from where I want to be. I feel too amazing to just throw it all away. I may have to alter how I workout a bit, but I will NEVER GIVE UP! I am thinking of looking into swimming and plan on doing a ton of upper body strengthening with my girls at the Lemon! WE GOT THIS!

Day 16-27 – Timeline

On Day 18 of the Whole30 and I feel absolutely phenomenal! The cravings and weird dreams have totally subsided! Even when I was pretty down yesterday and would, in the past, turn to sweets, I wasn’t even tempted to in the slightest! 🙂 Such an incredible feeling to know that I do not need to turn to food to fix my emotions! My relationship with food has DRASTICALLY changed for the better! I have definitely been researching more and more about living a Paleo lifestyle. Got a couple of cook books; Practical Paleo and Nom Nom Paleo Food for Humans so I can continue with this once the 30 (or 45…yes I may continue on past the 30) is complete. Just feel too dang incredible to not continue my life this way.

Now mind you, I still believe in finding the balance so of course little indulgences will be thrown in here and there (red wine, occasional sweet treat, etc.) but it will not be an everyday/all-the-time thing! BALANCE, not perfection!

Read a great article and watched some neat clips from Dr. Oz yesterday about switching to a Paleo lifestyle. Thought I would share them with you all…

Paleo Diet Playbook – article

Your Personal Paleo Code: The Diet to Lose Weight and Get Healthy for Life – video (3 parts)

ANYONE can make this lifestyle change whichever way works best for them. With the results I have had and feel with only 18 days of the 30, I HIGHLY recommend at least giving it a try. Maybe try swapping out 2-3 meals a week for a Paleo meal and see what you think. (Also, read It Starts With Food… please, just an incredible read!) There are so many great resources for recipes and information about a Paleo lifestyle out there (Whole30, Nom Nom Paleo, The Clothes Make the Girl, Stupid Easy Paleo…). Give it a try and share what you think! The first few days were hard but it will now be how I will live out my life (with balance, of course!)…even my husband is on board! 🙂 Through determination and perseverance, we can do whatever we put our minds and hearts to!

Day 16

Compliment for the day: Keep positive thoughts all day for the knee (doctors appointment today).

PreWorkout Snack: Coffee with 1 tsp of coconut milk

Workout (at The Lean Lemon):  1 hour Cardio/Sculpt & 30 mins Insanity

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey with butternut squash

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Chicken and pork sausage, hard-boiled egg, mushrooms, & strawberries, bananas, and coconut flakes with almond milk and a dash of cinnamon

Lunch: Salmon with avocado, roasted asparagus, and brussel sprouts

Dinner: Pork sliders with sweet potato buns and a cucumber salad

Day 17

PreWorkout Snack: Coffee with 1 tsp of coconut milk

Compliment for the day: Proud that I stood up to my doctor and asked for alternative ways to fix my knee rather than just having to live with it or having to have surgery.

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey with butternut squash

Workout (at The Lean Lemon): 30 mins Sculpt & 30 mins TRX abs + 1.5 hours of physical therapy

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Chicken and pork sausage, hard-boiled egg, carrots, and strawberries

Lunch: Pork sliders with sweet potato buns and a cucumber salad

Dinner: TACOS!

Day 18

Compliment for the day: I am proud of you for not giving up on what you are striving for even though you are restricted with your knee!

PreWorkout Snack: 1 cup of Homemade Almond Milk

Workout (at The Lean Lemon):  1 hour Sculpt (no cardio) & 30 mins Core

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey with butternut squash

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Sweet potato hash with two eggs, pork, and strawberries

Lunch: TACOS!

Dinner: Cauliflower Clam Chowder w/homemade bacon

Whole30 Day 12-15


These dreams the last few nights have been so vivid and all about FOOD! Food I can’t have. Last night, the dream was all about me making biscuits. So strange as I don’t even like biscuits that much but I woke up feeling so guilty!

Days 12-15: Boundless energy! Now give me a damn Twinkie.

Hurray! The slump is over! Your pants fit again! Your energy levels are better than normal – you’re downright Tigger the bouncing tiger! But something weird is happening. You’re dreaming. Not crazy nightmare or strange surrealist dreams, either. Incredibly normal and realistic dreams – about donuts. Or Twinkies. Or Snickers.* In your mind, sometimes you get caught and feel guilty. Sometimes you just brazenly eat the contraband. But then, the feelings start following you into the waking hours. Suddenly, you’re craving things you don’t even like. (For me, it’s Diet Coke and Twinkies, for Melissa Hartwig, it was fast-food cheeseburgers!) Your co-workers’ heads transform into giant Girl Scout Cookies as you gaze on in disbelief. Seriously, you’ve almost hit the halfway mark, and now this?!

All joking aside, though, this phase gets really intense and for some people. This is the part of the program where our minds try to drive us back to the comfort of the foods we used to know. Our food relationships are deeply rooted and strongly reinforced throughout the course of our lives and breaking through them is really big deal. Journaling can be especially enlightening and helpful during this phase, and helpful for reflection later. Take some time to jot down what you’re craving, how you’re feeling and what tools you’re using to work through the cravings.

*The cravings people get, and the dreams they often have, rival those of pregnancy. One person told me they craved pickles and Doritos (together) during this phase!

I have had so much energy the last few days; waking without my alarm, bouncing off the walls a little bit, and just feeling clean and clear (but totally out of control… 😉 J/K horrible joke…silly Clean&Clear commercials).

As I was working out yesterday, I almost broke down into tears I was feeling so great. My body is starting to feel and look like it used to, I am excited for and can bust through my workouts, I am not as tired and cranky, and my complexion is clearing up! Getting back to being comfortable in my skin is such an incredible feeling. I had forgotten how amazing it truly is and the impact it has on my entire demeanor. Even my sweet husband mentioned to me the other day that he can tell that I am becoming happy and confident again and he has missed that!

I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday.

Love this for today as this is EXACTLY what I was telling my trainer Friday after our workout. I am back on track, feeling so much better and getting comfortable in my skin again, and even though I am not exactly where I want to be, I will continue to persevere and get a little closer everyday. A forever journey that I am so unbelievably excited for again!

If you are afraid to do or start something to get yourself to where you want to be, whether it’s in a relationship, at your job, or your own health, start today. It may take time to get there but in the end, it will be so worth it. I am only on Day 14 of this Whole30 program and I cannot believe all the positive changes I feel and have made to get me to where I want to be. Give it two weeks or 30 days…you can do it as I am here to support you! Through perseverance, we can do whatever we put our minds and our hearts to.



Day 12

Compliment for the day: I feel AWESOME and feel I am looking pretty awesome too! 😀

PreWorkout Snack: Water

Workout (at The Lean Lemon):  30 mins Core, 30 mins Cheeky, & 30 mins flexibility

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Ground pork sautéed with onions and apples with two eggs.

Lunch: Mini egg pizza’s with kale chips

Dinner: Mocha-rubbed pot roast with steamed beets and asparagus

Day 13

Compliment for the day: I am proud of myself for not giving into the Valentines day chocolate that I really wanted to give in to.

PreWorkout Snack: 1 cup of Homemade Almond Milk (so fun to make!)

Workout (at The Lean Lemon):  1 hour TurboKick, 30 mins Core, and 30 mins Cheeky

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea (and a homemade almond milk latte…yummm!)

Breakfast: Chicken, sausage, mushroom and spinach casserole with homemade pico

Lunch:  Mocha-rubbed pot roast with steamed beets and asparagus

Dinner: Chicken/Shrimp Tortilla-less soup

Day 14

Compliment for the day: Way to go on getting your chores done yesterday so your Sunday is free for fun and meal prepping!

Workout:  REST DAY

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Chicken, sausage, mushroom and spinach casserole with homemade pico

Lunch: Chicken/Shrimp Tortilla-less soup

Dinner: Garbage stir-fry

Day 15

Compliment for the day: (will update)

PreWorkout Snack: 1 cup of Homemade Almond Milk (so fun to make!)

Workout (at The Lean Lemon):  30 mins Sculpt & 30 mins Cheeky

PostWorkout Snack: Slice of turkey & some butternut squash

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Sweet potato hash with two eggs and strawberries

Lunch: Garbage stir-fry

Dinner: Salmon w/avocado, steamed brussels and asparagus

Whole30 – Day 3


Days 2-3: The Hangover.

The alarm rings on day 2 and you pop out of bed expecting the same kind of Charlie Sheen winning feeling you had yesterday. Instead, you get the other side of Charlie…you know – the pounding-head-cross-eyed-can’t-see-straight side. You know you didn’t down a fifth of tequila in your sleep, so what the heck happened?!

Remember the pre Whole30 bender you went on? Pizza, cookies, Jim Beam, jelly beans (oh, the jelly beans)? Yeah. This is when it comes back to bite you in the butt. (And the head.) And it is definitely true that the amount of suck you experience in this phase is directly proportional to the amount of crap you consumed before you began the program. Especially if you consumed it consistently. This phase is especially hard for the habitual Diet Coke (and Diet Dr. Pepper here in my part of the world) drinkers. You know who you are.

Many Whole30ers report headaches, fatigue, and general malaise during this part of the program. This, my friends, is completely normal. Your body is working its way through a whole host of junk it stored from the foods (or food-like-products) you used to eat. This process lasts a day for some folks, but for others it can take a few days longer. Relax, drink a lot of water, and keep making good choices. And do your best to earn  sympathy and support from friends and family, because…”

Huh…no kidding…

My alarm rang at 5:30am this morning and I struggled to get out of bed. Today has been a little tougher as I am feeling tired, a bit foggy, and yet, amazingly, still great. About mid-afternoon yesterday, I went to bed with a pounding headache. Not from lack of caffeine but from lack of sugar. Crazy as I have never had a sugar headache. Thankfully, according to the Whole30 timeline (above), this is all normal.


I was telling my best friend last night when she came over for dinner that I was quite surprised that I had not had one single sugar craving. My surprise being that for the past month and a half I have felt the need to indulge in something sweet everyday, sometimes twice a day. (Eek…I know.) So, logically, I assumed that my sugar craving would be the hardest thing for me to conquer but, so far, I haven’t craved sugar at all. I am not even tempted by any sugar that is around me (i.e. my little brothers bag of trail mix filled with M&M’s that is sitting on my coffee table for him to snack on as he recovers from appendix surgery. He is lucky he is so cute 😉 ).

Today’s quote really boosted my spirit…

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” – Zig Zagler

Even though I am not feeling as super ‘peppy’ as I have the past two days, I still feel awesome and I am still pumped to persevere through each day to come. I am proud to have made the start to be great. 🙂

Day 3

PreWorkout Snack: Small handful of cashews and macadamia nuts

Workout (at The Lean Lemon):  30 minutes of sculpt and 30 minutes of core. Will take the pooch on a walk this afternoon.

PostWorkout Snack: Hardboiled egg

Drinks All Day: WATER, coffee, & tea

Breakfast: Two egg whites with a palm-sized portion of pork

Lunch: Rainbow salad with tahini dressing, chicken, and 1/4 avocado with a small fruit

Dinner: Butternut squash and pork stew with homemade chicken broth with 1/4 avocado

(Turkey burger recipe will be posted later today!)